Emma’s Garden, created in 2009 by Chuck Leibert and Julie Currie, is the rebirth of a homestead property built and named after grandma Emma, born 1913 to Latvian immigrant descendants who settled and developed the acreage along the Bird River, two hours northeast of Winnipeg.
Bird River flows between two ranges of out-cropping rocks in the Precambrian Shield of south-eastern Manitoba and empties into the lake Lac du Bonnet; and the garden is located on 85 acres of established Boreal forest and grass field along beautiful river scenery.
Emma’s Garden was originally established as a pesticide free produce garden grown for the local market with a focus on beautiful vegetables with great flavour. We found that the Emma’s Garden location is ideally suited for garlic bulbs as the surrounding trees had allowed snow cover to protect the garlic through both mild and harsh winters thereby creating a stable environment at the garden’s surface over the winter’s rest.
Today Emma’s Garden is known primarily for growing and curing pesticide free small scale handcrafted garlic and garlic products.
Garlic scapes are harvested for sale at the end of June, early July as well as select potted herbs such as basil to furnish the culinary artist with fresh garlic scape combinations.
Cured bulb garlic is available by September long weekend.
Processed products in the form of garlic powder and dehydrated sliced garlic chips are produced from our grown bulbs and sold at Lac Du Bonnet Farmers Market during the season. We are at the market the Saturday before the July Long Weekend to the week following the September Long Weekend.
We communicate with our customers directly by email, notifying of when the scapes, bulbs and dehydrated products are available.
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